Ms. Macon of Ask A Bitchface and year 3 of the daily column. Relationships, unbelievable shit in the news, random fuckery, and the infamous pottymouth.

As followed on Quora…

No BNBR to appease, it's Ask A Bitchface 5.0.

Up Close And Semi-Personal

Ask a question, join the discussion, argue your opinion, or just laugh at the dumb shit that comes out of my mouth.

Much Funnier Uncensored

You came for the laughs. Get ready to pee a little.

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Also, catch me sounding semi-sexy and super angry on the air.

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Real life advice, mostly hilarious commentary. Tangents, arguments, and ridiculousness prone to happen.


Ms. Macon, Former Southern Belle, Real Life Bitchface. Advice without fluff, and sorting through the emotional drivel to help you with your dumb ass dilemma.
Vociferously Introspective