
I appreciate y'all not only reading but taking the time to discuss. Let me add this. It's raining. I'm in my office. Anyone who knows me knows how much I love the rain. It soothes me. My desk faces the window, on the premise when I moved in here I would spend time looking at the outside world, even if PTSD won't allow me to be in it.

The blinds are open. As soon as the rain stops I will close them. Because this is life for me, as a woman alone. I know I'll blow a fucking hole in your ass if you come into this house, and that's after Puffin chews on you. But I don't invite it. I don't give someone the opportunity to be working on a house in the neighborhood and see I'm alone. Or delivering something, or living across the street, or wherever the person who has this evil in them should be when I happen to catch his eye.

I can and will defend myself. But I also preemptively take measures. And right now, the rain is dying down. I have to close the blinds. I cannot take those chances. If something happened, would it be my fault? Absolutely not, I'm simply enjoying the rain. But I know, as a woman in this world, among these bad men, I must always be alert, ready, prepared. I can never relax.

This is as close as it gets.

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Sep 7, 2022·edited Sep 7, 2022Liked by Ask A Bitchface

In America we are raised to be conciliatory, but this is especially true in my home state. In Washington, you are supposed to be charitable. They prey on us because we have the exact opposite ethic from New York: nobody will walk by your ass laying in the gutter bleeding and be like "nope, not my problem". It's how Ted Bundy was able to operate. We're not naïve, we're taught to be compassionate above all, even when it could put us in danger - better that than leaving a poor person out in the cold. He asked for water because most people have extra water and granola bars or something in their cars, to help take care of the homeless. We're all mostly like this. Just, I'm smart enough not to keep my doors open.

But this happened just north of Portland, Oregon, where the feelgoods bullshit hits its peak. Portlandia has a very stringent "be nice, be helpful" ethic that floats over the border to Vancouver and surrounding areas. They're an oasis of Canadian ethics in the middle of the American capitalist hellscape, which is nice to visit, but when you're raised here, you forget that America is full of violent, weapon toting, flag waving, methed out psychos. I feel bad for her...

In Washington, stories like ours are aberrant enough to elicit shock from the locals, if that explains anything.

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I hate it when strangers (men) act like I owe them my attention. Um, no. Fuck off. Now, don't get me wrong... I love talking to strangers, but not when the first thing they say to me is an observation about my looks or body.

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by Ask A Bitchface

As a friend of mine that got beaten a raped by a stranger that pulled her long hair while she was jogging: HELL NO!!!

That's another thing my dears cut that long hair, don't do braids that make the job easier for the trash to trap you.

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by Ask A Bitchface

Hi Ms Kristy hope you're doing well, precisely that we have to teach our boys and daughters to defend themselves emphasis to our daughters because the scourge of girls and women is that we are raised to be compliant, agreeable and pleasant and that BS we women have to put up growing up.

And no, no offense taken Ms. Kristy we are all different on different environments, we adapt to what we have surrounding us and act accordingly.

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Ask A Bitchface

Professional RBF here. It's bad and I have to be out in the public everyday unfortunately.

I have a neighbor who gives me the creeps. He's easily in his 60s and I have a few reasons, valid or not. Anyway, I chose to ignore his existence and it drives him bonkers. He's always outside coughing/clearing his throat when I have to pass his house with the doggo. Won't even glance in his direction, but he keeps trying. I think I heard him call me a bitch under his breath one night - which pleased me to no end, but like, the entitlement of him thinking he should be able to engage with me just because he wants to....FUCK YOU, BUDDY!

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by Ask A Bitchface

Sadly, they found poor Eliza Fletcher's body. Apparently they caught the guy that kidnapped, then killed her, Cleotha Abston. This does absolutely nothing for her loved ones, believe me I KNOW! Keep preaching April. If it saves only one life, it was well enough worth the effort!

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