May 11, 2022Liked by Ask A Bitchface

Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

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And I very nearly edited this to add the story of 6'7 and the slapjack. Because this shit is fucking relevant. Idgaf who says they're harmless. This is a rapist in the making.

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Literally what I said when I saw it. Someone posted it to not how girls work on Reddit, and the comments, sis. The fucking comments were a nightmare. I was ready to fucking fight people. I'm sure you can tell I was beyond pissed when I wrote this. Still am.

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May 11, 2022Liked by Ask A Bitchface

Oh yes.....you conjure images of a bad-ass Scrappy Doo.

All kidding aside, this is something that I find difficult to put words to. Its really disturbing.

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May 11, 2022·edited May 11, 2022Author

B, you know good and damned well that my 5'2 plus 4" in heel means I can tower over this basement mongering sack of shit. Fucking smelling like Drakkar and Clearasil and wondering why girls laugh at his pencil dick ass when he tries the "I'm a dom" routine. Boy, sit the fuck down before I open some fucking gluten in this motherfucker and swell your throat shut.

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May 15, 2022Liked by Ask A Bitchface


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