
Jesus… the hell is wrong with these kids…

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I mean, it could be Jesus, but we probably talking about a different dude named Jesus. Really I don't believe it's Jesus though. Jesus ain't never acted a fool when I've run into him. Even after a shit ton of wine.

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Jun 25Liked by Ask A Bitchface

Holy shitake

And welcome home 🙂

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I could go for a good fungi about now, yes. And you're the goddam bees knees Brandi🖤

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Jun 25Liked by Ask A Bitchface


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Jun 25Liked by Ask A Bitchface

You know where this shit starts? When parents decide they need a bigger house because Junior doesn't have a bedroom big enough for all his shit. (When he's 5.) When they buy more house than they can afford because they need another bedroom for guests. (When he's 5.) When I was 5, my parents weren't buying me more things than they bought for themselves, and when guests came, they got my bedroom and I got a sleeping bag on the floor. And there's a huge difference between corporal punishment and abuse, and I don't think there's nearly enough of the former going around. If you swat a kid on the ass when he's one or two, or even just smack his hands (gently! I'm not talking nun with a ruler, here!), he quickly learns the correlation between bad behavior and pain. And if that doesn't stop the bad behavior by the time he's 3 or 4, you better start looking for help, because you're looking at potential problems bigger than a swat on the ass can handle.

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Exxxxxactly. I have two younger brothers. One is a fine, upstanding citizen. The other is a sociopath. They both were spanked, just one would laugh at it from as far back as I remember. And own room at 5? Who the fuck are these tsars? I barely have my own room now.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by Ask A Bitchface

These people who consult their kids about where they should live, which house they want mom and dad to buy?? My parents dragged us to hell and gone all over the planet. We weren't even consulted about what we wanted to take with us, never mind what house we were gonna live in. Hell, half the time we didn't even know we WERE being transferred! It wasn't until I was in my mid-teens that I knew we were gonna move, and that was only because I'd gotten good at eavesdropping when I knew something was going down and needed to know what I had to get out in front of. Even then I wasn't given a choice of what to take and what to shitcan. I got home from school and found the house packed. Didn't find out what I still had until months later when our household goods made it back to the US. I was/am a hippie, but damn, they have a lot to answer for when it came to the way most of them raised their little Rainbows and Skys. Most of them were so worried about being friends with their kids that they didn't command the respect they should have. Man, I was shit-scared of my folks. Yeah, I raised hell, discovered pharmaceuticals, nearly got my family deported; but I never theived, beat and murdered anybody.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by Ask A Bitchface

I draw the line at asking kids how they think they themselves should be raised. Parenthood is NOT a democracy. It's a fucking dictatorship, and sometimes you have to get downright tyrannical on your kids.

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I have zero counterargument. I had one parent, and I don't say her name because she's like Beetlejuice or Lucifer or Candyman. You conjure her up and heads roll. Only person on the planet who I seriously would have to consider throwing hands with because she might hand me my ass. She had five of us, there was no vote. You did it or got your fucking clock cleaned.

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Jun 25Liked by Ask A Bitchface

My point. And, from what little I know about you, you've had your own adventures in Pharmaceutical-Land and gotten in some trouble here and there, like me. But it wasn't ever beating, racing and robbing. We only fucked over our ownselves. And man, were my parents excellent clock-cleaners. None of that, "This hurts me worse than it hurts you" bullshit, either.

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Jun 25Liked by Ask A Bitchface

*raping, not racing. I can't edit this, for some reason.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Author

Ha. Hurts me wors- oh. I almost pissed myself. My momma doesn't have feelings, here were replaced with double knuckles.

True story. Once when I was around seven or eight so my youngest brother had just been born couldn't even be a year yet, my mama caught my sister's dad cheating on her. So she loaded all of us kids up in the Ford Fairlane station wagon and rode right on down to this old girl's house. When she gets there my sister's dad is obviously smarter than he appeared and refused to come out of the house to talk to her. So what did my momma do, go home? Absolutely not. No, she put the car in reverse and then she rammed into the legs of the balcony. He still didn't come out. So she backed up and she ran into it again. That's how my momma solves problems. Good thing I'm not a hot head like her huh?

Also I probably disabled editing because I like to appear smarter than my friends and that's essentially the only way that's going to happen 🤷

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Jun 25Liked by Ask A Bitchface

💯 agreed, there's no rehabiltiatiting (how the fuck do you spell?) these sexual sadists, just get them away from society.

My parents were shit, and as a Neurodivergent with ADHD, I can tell you it never once occured to me to beat and rape a Mamaw.

There's something seriously fucking broken in these kids' heads.

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And I love you in all of your neurodivergence, D. The problem isn't atypical kids, it's parents who don't give a fuck how awful these kids are, and blame everything but their shitty kid for the things they do. "Oh, but they're vaccine injured. Oh but they're a middle child, blah fucking blah".

No. Absolutely not. They're a fucking asshole, and in this case, a sexual deviant, and probably sadistic rapist. That's not autism, Susan. That's a fucking sociopath.

It's a trend. Check the mom groups. It gets me so fucking mad. Like a Tokarev 20 gauge, warping the metal hot.

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Jun 25Liked by Ask A Bitchface

Oh I absolutely agree.

That's exactly what I was trying to convey with my comment, but I probably fucked it up.

I'm sick of lazy parents using neurodivergence as an excuse as to why they can't control junior.

#1 It makes us all look like feral monsters.

#2 like you said, the problem isn't ADHD or Autism or OCD or whatever, the kid's a

fucking psycho and the Susans are tee-heeing about it while people suffer as a result of their incompetence.

So we're on the same page, I just didn't convey it right

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Lol no pookie I didn't convey that I knew we were on the same page correctly. Because soapbox. Duh.

This is what happens when you leave me with the fucking hilljacks. My language skills have become impaired.

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Jun 25Liked by Ask A Bitchface

Oh ok haha! My language skills aren't their sharpest right now either..I should probably try to get some sleep and see if that improves anything

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Lol I have to keep my neighbor with the screaming brat awake so they'll be encouraged to enforce this shit called bedtime. 3am and a kid just la la la ing at the top of their lungs. Ok. I see. This is the child rearing of the future apparently.

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